Friday, September 21, 2007

Weedwacker and Friends Come Home

The police released our stuff to the pawn shop yesterday, and there was no trouble when we went to pick it up.......the stuff was at two different Cash America stores on Nebraska, and according to them, it is their policy to return stolen items to their owners as soon as the police department faxes them a release. The guy did mention not all pawn shops have that policy; so I would have to thank the alleged thieves for doing their business at Cash America. At least we know that this chain works with the police on matters such as these. Guess I'll do some yard work this weekend, the weeds need mowing and edging.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Getting Our Stuff Back

Now comes the frustrating don't just "get" your stuff have to wait for the suspects to be tried (our stuff is evidence), then you have to convince the pawn shop owner where they sold our stuff to give it back to us. According to the detective, some will just hand it over, some will offer to sell it to you for what they paid for it. Sounds terribly unjust, but really, the pawn shop paid money for this stuff, so they will be out if they just give it back, and they did comply with the law by holding and reporting all new acquisitions to the police dept. I guess sometimes you have to file suit against them in order to get your things back. We will will be a while anyway until we can entertain re-acquiring our stuff...the edges will have to wait to get edged.......I'm just thankful all the more that nothing more serious happened with these people........
Tampa Trip News Story

(Alleged) Thieves Arrested!

Wow, Kudos to the Tampa Police Dept. for finding our stuff and the people who (allegedly) stole it! It's actually a little bigger than some kids grabbing stuff to buy beer or a dime bag.....This couple was implicated in a slew of burglaries and much were ARMED. That really kind of freaked us out because we have kids, and if one of them had been home and interrupted the act.....VERY scary. I'm, positing their pics here......they (allegedly) stole firearms and committed several thefts. (Thank you to anonymous, who pointed out the lack of conviction thus far; everything at this point is ALLEGED) This is the first time for her, but he has several arrests showing on The Sheriff's Office.
The na
mes are Randy & Patricia Parrish.