Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Documentary

I know much has already been posted on this, but I just wanted to express my absolute awe at the turnout for this event. I don't think anyone expected so many people, particularly so many of the beautiful people who lived here long ago. This was obviously a special place to live then, and this was solid, in-the-flesh proof of the sense of community fostered in this neighborhood. I felt bad for those unable to get in. The setting was a natural. The DVDs flew off my table as I sold them, but I fear the event was really a "had to be there" situation; not that the DVD will lack anything, but it was as close to magical in the Tampa Theater that night as I think I will ever witness. Great evening. Thanks to Suzanne, the Howes and everyone who helped.
(still laughing over "The Balloon Factory")

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