Friday, May 25, 2007


The tip off, the discovery and the ceiling on the floor.

Well, the plan to do nothing but tie up loose ends has failed already, and it's only Friday! The suspicious "get to it later" water spots on the laundry room ceiling got really wet and started dripping today. We thought it might have been old water damage from before we replaced the roof, but as it was dripping water, it was obviously not old.It wasn't raining, so it couldn't have been the roof at all. Mike cut into the ceiling to locate the source of the water, and found not a leaky drain pipe from our master shower like we thought, but a leaky supply line. Since we did not plan on replacing the piping at this point, (it's fairly new, for a really old house) we will just use some fiberglass tape which goes on wet and completely seals itself around the pipe. This shouldn't be a HUGE project, but anything not planned for is a pain....although in old houses, the unplanned is a way of life. I have looked at the stains and felt uneasy over in a way I'm glad I know what it is. The crap on the floor is old insulation, scraps of bathroom tile (from the upstairs bathroom from when it was "remuddled") and some scraps of old newspaper...hard to read off such small pieces, but there was an ad for circus tickets-$5.50 a piece (not that old?). There was also some nasty looking stuff I can only deduce is a rat/squirrel by-product. Wish us luck!

Ok, the tape didn't work...who was I kidding? The elbow joint was too far gone and needed to be replaced. I'd like to replace all of the galvanized steel piping we have (that orange/brown water in the morning is so nasty) but we have so many other things to do. Hopefully, this will take care of it; time will tell-if everything's still dry in the morning, we're good.

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